Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Larbert High School

We turned the European Day of Languages into Languages Week at Larbert High this year. 

We held a languages concert where pupils and staff performed at lunchtime in lots of languages from Spanish to Swedish! 

We had a coffee morning for staff who had to order their food and drink in French from our S2 pupils. There was also a cake decorating competition.

We held a Movie Night for our P7 and S1 pupils to come together to enjoy a Spanish film. 

We got all pupils and staff involved in our Languages Challenge Sheet, many shared what they´d been doing on Twitter.

We had a tannoy challenge each day at form time. We asked for a different item to be brought to a different location in a different language. The first form class rep to get to the right place with the right item wins!  

We encourage other faculties to add some languages to their lesson. The computing department got their S3 class to program a verb conjugator ... 

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